We use open source tools across all of our projects whenever available. When needed, we prefer to contribute directly back to the projects that we use so that our research and development is available to others in the same sphere.
Drupal/OpenStreetMap Integration
This module allows Drupal sites to consume information from the OpenStreetMap project, leveraging crowd-sourced data on your site, syncing periodically with changes from OSM and even allowing property owners to contribute back to OSM.
Whenever we use this module, we use OpenStreetMap as our database, improving data for people around the world using information that our clients want to make available.

Drupal SCSS Compiler
When developing websites, we want to simplify our build process as much as possible. This module uses the SCSSPHP project to compile SASS files into CSS without maintaining a separate build process on our local environments. This speeds up development by allowing us to keep our work in the cloud.
GTFS Suite
The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is used across the world by transit agencies to describe their service offerings to consumers such as Google and Apple maps. Our project ingests GTFS feeds automatically and allows our clients to display information from them on their own websites. This speeds up the process of updating their websites when transit offerings change. It also enables the rapid development of on-premise digital displays with realtime information.