FivePaths has extensive experience with transit solutions across a variety of media. Keep customers on your website while getting the information that they need. Make the most of your existing technology. We work hard to reduce complexity both for your and your customers. See some examples of what we do below

Where is the Bus?
Live maps show exactly where, in real time.
We deliver your real-time vehicle position and prediction data for transit riders to catch the next ride. Live maps provide an immediate visual of where the vehicle is on the route, with arrival information and service updates to help everyone to conveniently use public transit. Travelers on the go can quickly view maps on their mobile devices, making arrival information at the ready wherever they are located.
Rapid Schedule Updates
Refresh transit data via GTFS imports
We provide advanced solution for importing schedule information from GTFS and other formats to quickly and comprehensively update route and stop information with all scheduled trips. We work with transit teams to stage these updates for quality review, ensuring completeness and accuracy every time schedules are updated. Schedules are integrated with route and stop pages, as well as presented in a clean, filterable display to allow travelers to immediately see the schedule they are most interested in.

When does the train get here?
Realtime predictions for all vehicles in service
Predictions for the next vehicle are presented up front and updated immediately as the GTFS Realtime data updates, allowing the traveler to time their arrival to the station or stop. Arrival times are updated whether on mobile, desktop or on transit screens at stations, and are fully accessible to travelers using accessibility tools to quickly track where there next ride is at.
Notifications and Alerts
Share service disruptions by stop & route
We integrate notifications from a variety of sources that transit agencies use - from social media feeds, to GTFS and proprietary alerts and notifications. This allows the traveler to see all the alerts relevant to their needs. Both systemwide and stop specific alerts are displayed on relevant stop pages in highly visible locations to provide the travels an immediate update on service changes to be aware of.